Vernier Calipers

Safety Vernier Caliper

Long Jaw Vernier Calipers

● Made of stainless steel, wear proof.
● The long lower jaws are good for measuring deep internal holes.
● Curved jaws provide more accurate measurement of internal diameters.
● With fine adjustment.

Dial Calipers

● Made of rustless steel and it features a satin-finish making the measurement easier to read.
● Provide quick, accurate measurements of outside dimensions, inside dimensions, and depth.
● The dial rotates and can be locked for zero error.

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Long Jaw Internal Vernier Calipers

● Made of stainless steel, wear proof.
● Upper jaws are good for small hole measurement as well as the lower jaws
are good for deep internal holes.
● Curved jaws provide more accurate measurement of internal diameters.

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Knife-Edge Jaw Vernier Calipers

● Made of stainless steel.
● Both upper & lower jaws carry knife edge measuring surface.
● With fine adjustment but not for depth measurement.

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Stainless Steel Vernier Calipers

● Made of high stainless steel with satin-chromed scales
● Four-way measuring for outside, inside, depth and step