Measuring Instruments/Tools


Page 3
Steel Parallel Sets
Steel Parallel Sets
Steel Parallel Sets/Angle Plate Sets
Equilateral Rules
Equilateral Rules
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
45°Angle Rules with Bases
45°Angle Rules with Bases
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
90° Precision Square Edges - Laboratory
90° Precision Square Edges - Laboratory
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
90°Squares with Bases - Industrial
90°Squares with Bases - Industrial
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
90°Squares - Industrial
90°Squares - Industrial
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
Precision Straight Edges - Laboratory
Precision Straight Edges - Laboratory
Engineer's Squares/Precision Straight Edges
Screw Pitch Gauges
Screw Pitch Gauges
Feeler/Radius/Screw Pitch Gauges
Radius Gauges
Radius Gauges
Feeler/Radius/Screw Pitch Gauges
Long Feeler Gauges
Long Feeler Gauges
Feeler/Radius/Screw Pitch Gauges